For the most part Brinley and Breckin play together really well and will hug and kiss each other out of the blue. I caught them "sharing" this bracelet and giggling the other day. Being a mom to this kids is the best "job" ever!

Here are some funnies from this past month:
Brinley: Mom, I am so frustrated and mad with you!
Me: Why?
Brinley: Because I told you three times not to turn the page and you did!
Me: I am sorry, I was scared of what was on the page (we were looking at the Oriental Trading Halloween magazine and she tore the page as I turned it).
Brinley: No you weren't, Ah I'm so mad at you. (She was right I was only turning the page so she woouldn't get scared of what was on that page)
Me: Chuckling under my breath trying to take her seriously.
-Breckin was loading his play airplane with Brinley's princesses. As he is pushing the plane the dolls fall off. He gives me a shocked look and says, OOOOOOOH!!! He couldn't believe they fell off :)
Brinley: Mom, are we there yet? (This was a crackup because she had regressed so much she would have never talked like that before or even know what was going on, so this made my day)
Me: Not yet, but we are close.
Brinley: Ah, it is taking so long...
Me: Brin do you know another name we use for God?
Brinley: Heavenly Father
Me: Wow good job Brin. Do you know he loves you?
Brinley: Yes and I love Jesus
-Breckin was laughing so hard the other day when Shad was wrestling me. He thought it was so funny he since attacks Shad anytime his dadda is laying on the ground. He does the whole stance and everything!