Thursday, December 22, 2011

Temple Square

As our annual tradition we went up to temple square, ate at the Lion House and seen the lights. We went a week ago and arrived about 20 minutes later than we usually go so as we were finishing up the lights were already on and the restaurant was starting to get busy. We were shocked at how long the line was as we were leaving the Lion House. We were glad we got out when we did. Next year we will have to go at our normal time:)

The lights were amazing as always. Breckin loved it! I think Brinley was stopped by about 50 people. They all loved her boots. They twinkle like Christmas lights when she walks. It was really cute to see that they cared enough to stop and talk to her. There were other girls that said they wanted boots just like hers. Shad sure felt like a proud daddy that he bought them for her.

We always love to see the statue of Christ. It just wouldn't seem like a complete trip without it. Since there were quite a few people we only stayed for a minute to warm up, take a bathroom break and head out into the cold again. We hit all of our favorite places and then left as soon as it started to get really busy. We loved the traditions we have started and kept as a family and look forward to the ones we have coming up on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!!! It is our favorite time of year :)

1 comment:

idona jepsen said...

these pictures are so adorable!!! Love and miss you all so much..sure wish we could have made it down to go with you..thankyou so much for posting them..Have a Wonderful Christmas..Miss you more than you know!!! May your hearts be filled with love,joy and peace and good health thru out the season and always..Love,mom/gramma