After one whole month, multiple doctor visits, two trips to Timp hospital, six trips to Primary Children's, two blood draws, one urine sample, one chest x-ray, one MRI, one IV, one EEG, one hearing test, one eye test and lots and lots of worry and stress later we found out her results! She has epilepsy in both sides of her brain which causes her to have absent seizures. They think the one night when everything "went down" she may have had a convulsive seizure. Since no one actually saw it, it is still unsure(Brinley's father on the other hand is pert'ner perfect, humble, understanding, patient, fun loving, wise, prudent, etc...etc...etc...Ok here is Audrey again----!!!!). Haha..ok honey. She also has a pineal cyst in her brain. It is 8mm in size. With all of her sleep and development problems along with seizures we are going to keep monitoring it to see if it is causing all of the problems she is having.
I tell you what it has been an emotional roller coaster this last month. Not only with her health, but knowing how to discipline her. She has had these emotional meltdowns and fits that are draining to her and the rest of us. For awhile before we knew what was happening it was frustrating to know what to do. I would be so frustrated and angry at myself that she wasn't progressing with potty training, behavior and socially that I thought I was doing something wrong. She regressed in so many areas it was so hard to understand and believe it was actually happening. From her going from being a very intelligent, outgoing, well-behaved child to acting like a baby, being terrified to sleep, not listening, throwing fits, being frustrated over trying to remember songs or the alphabet, stuttering and not being able to say what she wanted or how she felt. There are times I would lash out at her in frustration and anger which didn't help it only made things worse. With the medicine she is now on, Keppra, she is doing better and starting to be able to remember and relearn things. She still stutters and has a hard time sleeping. Shad or I have to rock her and hold her in the rocking chair for her naps and Shad sleeps by her every night in the guest bedroom. We still have a long way to go yet, but at least now we know what the problem is and how to get help to move forward. She is going to be tested by the school district in a couple weeks for preschool. We will know how she ranks with thousands of other children and have more help available. We have also been given information for a behavior specialist. It is nice to be able to have options and know that there is help out there.
We are so grateful for all the family and friends who have supported us during this time. Our friends/family in Heber/Midway have been a great support. Shad's mom came down and stayed with us off and on through the month of January. She was and is a great blessing to us we can't thank her enough! There are countless other friends and family who have spent time talking to us on the phone and by email answering questions, being willing to talk and offer their love and support. Thank you, thank you!! We have spent a lot of time praying and know that our prayers have been answered in many different ways. We know that Brinley has felt a special closeness to her Savior and has benefited from blessings and prayers. We know that our Heavenly Father is aware and mindful of her and us during this time and is teaching us more lessons than we expected. We have felt compelled to be humble and have grown spiritual through it all. Shad and I can't even being to imagine what Heavenly Father and Christ feel on a daily basis with all they see, but we know they love us!
Dear Walmart Claw Machine,
8 years ago
We are keeping you in our prayers!
Thoughts and prayers and prayers and more prayers from us to you and your sweet family..I am so grateful to have been able to come and stay and try to help in some small way. It has truly been a blessing for me. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. May he bless you all with comfort,peace,patience and much needed rest and health for all of you. I love and miss you..Hugs to all!!
Oh my heavens, Audrey! I can't believe all that your family goes through physically!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
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